My Services

Startup Stock Photos
Stock photo. I wish I drank iced coffee out of a mason jar in a cute coffee shop while I worked looking very organized and intelligent.

These days I get to say I’m an award-winning author with big dreams of becoming a best-selling novelist. That is, when I’m not chasing my even bigger dreams of an empty dishwasher and clean laundry. I have four kids, and before I dedicated my days to their cares and concerns, I spent 8 years in a middle school classroom teaching my students to love and value reading and writing. My husband works for a non-profit and we believe in the value of small business, strong coffee, and God’s grace.

But I only get to use that “award-winning author” line because along the way, I’ve had some great mentors. They’ve taught me a thing or two, and I’d like to teach you.

I am happy to work with you to make your writing project the best it can be. With personalized packages, I am sure you and I can find a time and price point that suits your current needs and situation.

Here are my details and rates for author coaching.

Here are my details and rates for editing services.